70s Colors: Grooviest Hues of Decade

September 27, 2024

Maybe it will be a shallow approach, but Color Televisions were the biggest factor that determined the Colors of the 70s. Yes, I agree, this technology was developed in the early 1950s.

You are right.


However, the effects of the developments in technology begin to be seen not when they are found, but when they become widespread. That's when color TVs entered all houses in the 1970s.

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Don't worry, the main theme of our article is colors, but if we understand the causes clearly, we can better understand the results.

These new televisions liberated colors. Let's say you are a textile brand. And 100 million households have black and white TV. How will you advertise your product? It's not impossible of course, but it's limited.















The color palette of the 70s was bold because now the colors were free.

Not only textiles, but also all consumer habits have changed. Even iconic Coke brands have exponentially increased their growth.





Remember how fast the Amazon e-commerce brand grew with the spread of the internet?

It was color TVs that made a big impact at that time.

Let's take a look at the most valuable brands of that era: Nike, CocaCola, Levis, Toyota and Mercedes. All are consumer products, and all have benefited greatly from the change of the advertising age.





Anyway, back to the colors themselves.

Avocado green was also a favorite color in this period, when scorched colors were at the forefront.

The black and white and serious world of the past was slowly being abandoned. Now families provided their own economy and young people wanted to consolidate their place in society.

Different patterns and very vivid tones create the spirit of the color of the 70s.

The hippie movement also began during this period, leading to a timeless design development. Check out photos of flower girls from the 70s. If it's a quality photo, it looks as up-to-date as if it was taken yesterday.

Although some colors and fashion trends get old quickly, the trends that started in the 70s are still valid today.

List of 70s Icons

Name Description
John Travolta Star of 'Saturday Night Fever'
David Bowie Rock icon, Ziggy Stardust era
Elton John Pop rock star, flamboyant performer
Farrah Fawcett Iconic actress and style symbol
Led Zeppelin Legendary rock band of the 70s
Steve Jobs Apple co-founder, tech visionary
Muhammad Ali Heavyweight boxing champion
Jane Fonda Actress and fitness guru
Al Pacino Star of 'The Godfather' series
Debbie Harry Blondie lead singer, punk icon

80s vs 70s: Which decade was cooler?

It is difficult to say anything clear on this subject, but it is still a very enjoyable subject to discuss!

It is important to note from the outset that both decades contributed greatly to the formation of our modern culture.

The 70s brought vibrant colors to our lives. Our understanding of entertainment has changed. On the one hand, an artificial disco movement started, while natural colors developed with the bohemian style.

The 80s were like a hormonal version of the 70s. A great icon like MJ has emerged. Bright colors gave way to neon colors, and stuffed clothes gave rise to ideas about an idealized version of the human body.

Three Basic Colors of the 70s

We talked about the philosophy and sociological dimensions of the business above. Now I want to end the article by sharing the three most popular colors of that period.

Mustard Yellow

Mustard Yellow

This color re-enters our lives every three years. It becomes popular again in home decoration or fashion. Go through your closet, I bet you have one mustard yellow topcoat.

It creates a sense of home when used in interior architecture. We owe the emergence of this color on the world stage to the 70s.

Burnt Orange

Burnt Orange

I love these kinds of colors that don't belong to any gender. Men can also wear women. I don't think any color belongs to any gender. Let's see how long it will take to convince the public of this fact.

Whether it's a sports jacket or an evening dress, Burnt Orange is a good color to keep up with any occasion and environment.

Avocado Green

Avocado Green

70s colors

Related Article: 90s Colors

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