It is certain that change is part of life. If new countries with this flag are added, I will update this list.
Greece is a country in Southern Europe. It has a blue and white flag that represents Greece, its people, and their culture. The flag was designed by Kostas Kampouris and was adopted on January 7th, 1822.
Bonus: Flag coloring pages
The flag of Argentina was adopted in 1812. Its colors are inspired by the Blue and White Bands of the Argentine Flag, which were themselves inspired by the sky and white clouds over Buenos Aires on May 25th, 1810 (known as "El Grito de Mayo").
The sun on its center represents the sun of May and is also a symbol of purity, innocence, health and vitality.
The flag of Israel consists of a blue hexagram on a white background, with the word "Israel" in Hebrew spelled out below. The six points of the star represent the six tribes that formed the Kingdom.
The Star of David is one of Judaism's most recognizable symbols and has been used since at least 8th century BCE to represent God's covenant with the Jewish people.
In modern times, it has come to symbolize not only Judaism but also all Jews as a whole regardless of their specific religious beliefs or practices.
San Marino
San Marino is a small republic situated on the Italian peninsula, within the region of Romagna. With an area of only 61 square kilometers, it has no coastline, but does boast over 300km of borders with Italy. The country was founded in 301 AD and has been independent ever since.
It is currently one of only two remaining sovereign states that never became part of another nation (the other being Liechtenstein). San Marino’s economy relies mostly on tourism, service industries and microelectronics; it also produces wine and furniture.
San Marino's flag consists of three vertical stripes with the middle stripe being twice as wide as each side: blue at top, white in middle and red at bottom.
Guatemala's flag is blue and white. The blue represents the sky, while the white stripes represent the land. The red triangle in the center is supposed to represent liberty, equality, and fraternity. Guatemala adopted this flag in 1851.
Uruguay has a blue and white flag. The design was adopted as the national standard in 1828, but was not officially adopted until 1920. The flag is a vertical tricolor of blue, white and blue. It represents Uruguay's sky and oceans.
El Salvador
The flag of El Salvador features a blue triangle on the left, a white triangle on the right, and a white star in the middle. The blue triangle represents liberty, equality and fraternity; it is also said to symbolize water from Lake Güija.
The white triangles represent purity, innocence and faith (on top) or order (on bottom). The white star signifies independence from Spain in 1821.
The Honduran flag is one of the few flags in the world that has two different colors on it, and it's also one of the few blue and white flags.
Blue represents hope, as well as the sky, sea and unity. White, on the other hand, symbolizes peace. It's also used to represent purity and honesty.
Finland has a blue and white flag. The colors of the Finnish flag represent the sky and snow. The colors were chosen to reflect those of the Swedish flag, which had been used as an official emblem until the 19th century.
The Finnish flag was designed in 1917 by Akseli Gallen-Kallela, one of Finland's most famous artists at the time. He based his design on traditional Karelian national costumes, but also added symbols that were important to him personally: a cross representing Christianity; an eagle for freedom; and a rising sun for hope and eternal light.
It is called "siniristilippu," which means "blue cross."
It is an island nation made up of 607 islands, including Guam and Saipan. Micronesia is located north of Australia and east of the Philippines.
The blue and white flag features three stars representing each island group: Chuuk (southwesternmost), Kosrae (northwesternmost), Pohnpei (southeastern) and Yap (far eastern).
The blue and white flag of Nicaragua is the official national flag of the Central American country. The flag's design is based on that of its coat of arms, which features an eagle holding a snake in its beak.
The flag was adopted in 1849, but has undergone several modifications since then. It originally featured a gold crown at the top of the escutcheon instead of gold rays radiating from its center. In 1914, it was modified again to include eight stars (representing eight departments) instead of seven and placed them along with three volcanoes (representing three active ones).
The current version has been used since 1985 when President Daniel Ortega adopted this design after previously using one with red stripes behind each volcano as well as some other changes to make it look more like that found on other flags belonging to countries located within Central America such as El Salvador and Honduras - both flags feature five stripes whereas Nicaragua only uses four; however these are also present on another nation's banner: Costa Rica which sports six instead."
It has a blue and white flag, which it adopted in 1954. The flag was designed by Mohammed Awale Liban, and consists of three horizontal stripes—green, white, and blue—with a red five-pointed star in the upper left corner.
The Somali flag was adopted on October 12th, 1954 by Emperor Haile Selassie. He chose to adopt this particular design after he visited Somalia's independence ceremony at Mogadishu Stadium where he saw Somalis waving their traditional flags made out of handwoven cloths that they used as scarves or shawls.
Last Words
Well, this is our list for the countries with blue and white flags. We hope that you have found some interesting facts about these countries that you didn't know before reading this article.
If not, at least now you know what flags look like! If you have a flag that you'd like to see added to our list, please reach us now by email. We would love to hear from you!
Related Article: Red, White And Blue Flags