I'm going to be listing these things and putting them in a list that you can check out. Nature is an amazing thing as it provides us with a lot of beautiful and colorful things.
Once you find something blue, you may take a pic and send it online photo editing services so that it looks juicy and mesmerizing.
Popular Blue Things
Balloon flower

The balloon flower is known for its bulging buds and star-shaped purple or white flowers when opened. It has a soft, almost unnoticeable scent and is an attractive garden plant.
Blue Eyes

Blue eyes make up about 8% to 10% of the world's population and are particularly common in the Scandinavian and Baltic countries. For example, in Estonia and Finland, about 89% of the population has blue eyes. This is due to low levels of melanin pigment in the iris.

Blueberries are a fruit rich in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins. These components help protect heart health, lower blood pressure and support the digestive system.

Uranus is about 2.9 billion kilometers (1.8 billion miles) from Earth and an average distance of 19 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun. With a diameter about four times the size of Earth, Uranus is the third largest planet in our solar system.

I think everybody knows that the most popular thing in nature is the sky. So why is it blue?
The sky looks blue because light from the Sun is scattered by tiny particles in the atmosphere, and we see the sky blue because blue light is scattered the most.
Dallas Mavericks Jersey

The Dallas Mavericks are an NBA champion basketball team. It is owned by Mark Cuban. The legend of Dirk Nowitzki played in this team. Luka doncic is the new rising star!
Blue Jellyfish

Blue jellyfish usually live for less than a year. Its most distinctive feature is its bell, which is pale when young but turns bright purple-blue as it matures.

Oreo was founded in 1912. As an interesting fact, when Oreo first came out, it cost only 25 cents, which is equivalent to about 7.89 dollars in today's money!
Light Blue Things in Nature
Who doesn't love light blue things? Well, unless you're color blind or something, you'll probably see that they have some pretty awesome benefits in nature. Let's dive into this soft, cute color.

Oceans cover about 71% of the Earth's surface and contain 96.5% of all the water on our planet.
As an interesting fact, the oceans produce most of the oxygen that supports more than half of all life on Earth. In addition, oceans play an important role in stabilizing ecosystems around the world.
Gas flames

Gas flames are blue in color because they burn at high temperature and this causes blue light to be emitted.

Aster flower is one of the many flowers you can share with others. Aster flowers come in various designs and shapes to suit your decor, and to compliment your look or style.
Ulysses Butterfly

In the world of butterflies, papilio ulysses belongs to the large swallowtail family. If you're wondering what's so special about this butterfly and what it has in common with another big genus in the same family (butterflies), you'll find out soon.
Mountain Bluebird

Mountain bluebirds are one of my favorite birds regarding their appearance and behavior. These elusive birds are found at high altitudes in the mountainous regions where they can be seen feeding on blossoms of alpine flowers and insects.
Indigo Milk Cap

Indigo milk cap, also known as lactarius indigo is a white fungus. It is characterized by its blue cap, that colours up when it matures. The milk-like hue comes from the presence of spores that are modified to contain an element called indigo-dye, which is formed by mycelium of "Indigo milk cappings".
Dark Blue Things
Dark blue is the color of the mineral haupt gold, a form of gold that is almost black.
It's also a color associated with open space and water — both things which make it attractive to humans living in urban environments.
The fact that parts of the ocean are blue is well established by now, so that part of the color description remains accurate.
Siamese fighting fish

The Siamese fighting fish is also known as the betta, or the Betta splendens. They are one of the most popular aquarium fish kept in homes across the globe because of their hardiness.
These small freshwater fish are no longer considered rare or endangered and are increasingly being kept as pets for the owners who appreciate their vibrant colors and interesting behaviors.
Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a semi-precious stone with an intense blue color that originates from Afghanistan. It's often found in other locations around the world, including Pakistan and Mexico.

Describing the Starfish Linckia laevigata's anatomy is quite simple. Its body is brown in color, roughly 5 centimeters long and has five arms: the first one being longer than the rest. Its shape is a very unique one that prevents it from being eaten by predators.
Blue dart frog

Blue dart frog is native to the rainforest around the Sipaliwini River. Its bright blue body and pointed, yellow teeth make it one of the most well-known frogs in the world.
Blue Racer Snake

The blue racer snake is a striking, colorful snake available from New England to southeast Texas. The body is dark brown or black with parallel stripes running from its head down the body.
The nose and belly are lighter in color with a dark band running along them. This pattern is unique to each individual snake but provides distinctive identification for parents of young snakes.
Blue Crayfish

Everglades crayfish aren't the only kind of crayfish around, but they are definitely one of the most well-known ones.
There are many other types of crayfish out there, but the Everglades crayfish is known for its bright blue color.
Blue Foods
Blue Spirulina

Spirulina is a biomass of cyanobacteria that can be consumed by humans and animals. Some spirulina consumption may be helpful to cellular health, helping endurance performance.
Blue Corn

Blue corn is a sweet, delicious grain with a rich and slightly nutty flavor. It is not genetically modified, making it an excellent gluten-free alternative to the yellow corn found in products like couscous, chips, and cornbread.
Blue corn is also higher in protein than yellow corn and is often used to grind into flour for tortillas and baked goods.
Blue Caviar

Blue Caviar is a rare delicacy that is only available during a short three month period leading up to Christmas.
This edible gemstone roe comes from wild scampi that are hand-selected, hand-harvested and hand-sorted. Add it to your seafood platter for an unforgettable taste sensation.
Lingcod Fish

A popular fish, the lingcod has firm white flesh. Foodies like it for its delicious flavor and sweetness. The fish is also much sought-after for its culinary prowess in the Asian and European markets where it has a wide following among the gourmets.
Blue cheese

This can be achieved by creating an environment that allows the mold to thrive and then adding it to the curds after draining them from their whey.
The resulting cheese is often punctuated with visible spots or veins in shades of blue or green as a result of these spores.
Concord Grape

Concord grapes are a cultivar of Vitis labrusca, the family of grapes that includes most native wild grapes and garden vines. Concord grapes grow well in cool climates and can be harvested in late summer. They are often used for wine-making, juice production and jellies.
Related Article: Blue Snacks