We will try to understand how these color combinations are chosen. Every flag has a story. And as you discover the flags of the countries, their stories draw you even more.
It will be more enjoyable to visit the country whose flag you know. Or learning the meaning of the flag of a country you have already visited will make your past travel memories more meaningful.
We will first examine the national flags that use the color blue, red, and yellow, then we will look at important examples of city flags.
If you're ready, let's start!
Country Flags
Chad's use of his own flag began when he gained his autonomy. Pan-African colors specific to the geography were also used in these flags. The flag designed in 1959 can be added to the list of well-established flags when compared to other countries.
The colors blue, yellow and red are used as vertical sheriffs, respectively. By the way, the flag of this country is exactly the same as the Romanian flag. There is a very slight difference, which is the shade of blue. On the Chad flag, the blue is darker.
Bonus: Flag coloring pages
The story of this flag shows that nothing in life goes as planned. Planning is necessary to achieve results. However, the result you reach is not always what you planned.
Colombia's flag was originally designed for Venezuela. However, Colombia, which was a pioneer in the independence race, became the owner of the flag. The flag still flies in the sky today as a testament to history and resistance.
Congo, DR
The latest flag on the list. It has been used since 2006. Even though he is young, he has not left the traditional design language. Unlike the flags above, a lighter shade of blue is used. Yellow is again chosen close to golden color.
The value represented by light blue is very important. Peace among the Congo righteous! The biggest factor that threatens the peace of a country is internal conflict.
Mongolia is one of the oldest states. The Mongols are a society that has always influenced history. However, due to the fact that they live in a vibrant geography, there have been minor changes in their flags from time to time.
The use of the current flag is 1992. The 31-year-old flag is dominated by the colors red and blue. Next to this, a logo using the yellow color has been added.
This is the simplest of the blue, yellow, and red flags. This flag was adopted in 1848. It differs from similar flags by the darkness of its colors.
It is one of the most colorful countries in the Balkans region. If you go to Bucharest, you can come across this flag very often.
All three major religions live in peace in the country, which is historically rooted.
This flag has been used by Andorra since 1996. Although the designer is unknown, he is known as Napoleon III. Nothing definite can be said as there are no official records.
It is the first coat of arms on the list.
In the continuation of the article, we will continue to examine the flags with coats of arms.
It is known as one of the smallest countries in Europe. It is a very small country not only in terms of area but also in terms of population. Its total population is 77,000. Considering that the population of the city of Istanbul is 15 million, this number is really very small for a country.
The structure of the flag has similar lines to the flag of the great Colombian state. The yellow color again represents the golden power of the country. There is also a version of this flag without a coat of arms, but that flag is almost an exact copy of the Colombian flag. For this reason, the public and media prefer to use the coat of arms more.
Ecuador is one of the most colorful countries in the South American region.
Like all other South American countries, the official language of this region is Spanish. See flag
This is another flag similar to the Romanian flag. Unlike Chad, a country in Africa, the resemblance of the Moldovan flag is actually not that absurd. They are two countries in the same geography and their values are similar.
Among the blue, yellow and red flags, it is one of the flags that uses the coat of arms the most.
This is actually a principality rather than a country. It is one of the smallest countries in Europe. The flag consists of two parts. A dark blue color is used for the upper part, while a parkalk red is chosen for the lower part. The color of the crest in the form of a crown is also gold.
The reason why this flag is last on the list is because it actually includes the color white.
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