Our coloring pages allow even the smallest ones to create their own stories and dive into the colorful world of dinosaurs. In our dinosaur coloring pages you will find a variety of fun and cute activities of dinosaurs.
Other Coloring Pages: Horse, Train, Airplane

This little dinosaur seems to be thinking, "Is there such a thing as a cave monster?" He's probably about to embark on his next "Secret Dinosaur Chase" adventure, or maybe he's just wondering, "Who came into my cave?"

This trio seems to have met in the new installment of the "Time Traveling Friends" series.
The dinosaur must be thinking "How do I deal with these little ones?", the puppy must be thinking "Time to play with my big friend!", and the bird is observing the commotion.

"Who called me?" this baby dinosaur might be thinking with a puzzled expression. Maybe it's time for him to explore the world, or maybe he's hoping that his egg diet is over.

This T-Rex must be thinking: "When will my basketball career start?" and "How can I dunk this ball?" But it's going to be hard for him to hold the ball with his little arms!

This T-Rex may be thinking, "I need to take a quick selfie before the volcano erupts." Or maybe he's wondering, "Will this lava be hot enough for my grilled steak?"

This T-Rex could certainly be thinking, "I can't use my arms when it snows, I can't make a snow angel." Or maybe he's fantasizing, "Am I fast enough to pull Santa's sleigh?"

This T-Rex's roar seems to be a test of, "Can I make a sound loud enough to echo in the jungle?" Maybe he's testing his confidence, "Am I the king of this jungle?"

This little T-Rex must be wondering, "Can I be invited to the gala dinner?" He could definitely be voted the most stylish dinosaur in that bow tie. Maybe he's thinking, "How cute do I look in this bow tie?"

This adorable baby dinosaur may be thinking, "Am I the cutest ornament next to the Christmas tree?" Or he might be excited, "I wonder if Santa will bring me a present?"

This dinosaur baby is clearly thinking, "When can my bird friends and I eat that big cheese ball in the sky?" Or maybe he's excited, "It's time to sing with the birds in the moonlight."

The look on this dinosaur baby's face says, "The butterflies have chosen me, I think I'm the prince of the jungle!" Or maybe it is secretly hoping that if I look cute enough, the butterflies might fly away.

It looks like dinosaurs have adapted to the modern world. Saddled up, backpack on, ready for adventure.
Is this a forgotten scene from Jurassic Park, or do dinosaurs also like to go on picnics? Maybe this dinosaur is an adventurer who decided to explore the world in his retirement.
Whatever the case, this adorable dinosaur is sure to have a delightful journey.