In this guide we have prepared for you to get to know the green textures of the nature we live in, you will notice all the charm of green.


Oak tree, with its scientific name "Oak", is a strong, robust and long-lived tree species from the Fagaceae family. Like nature's superhero, the leaves of the oak tree are green and grow longitudinally in the shape of a finger, waving like a dance!
The fruit of this impressive tree is the small brown nut, which we call bonito, containing seeds with high nutritional value. Acorns are the favorite snack of many forest-dwelling animals.
Some animals may even rely on acorns to conserve energy when food becomes difficult to find in winter.
Avocado Tree is like a magic tree found in enchanted forests. This imposing tree lives in the tropics, where colorful birds sing and the sun shines.
Avocado Tree's most precious gift is avocado fruit that gives superhero powers!
Avocados contain energy-filled vitamins and healthy fats for strong muscles, allowing children to have a day full of energy. In fact, a delicious green sauce made with this fun fruit called guacamole is an essential snack for family games and party times.
Pine Tree is the mysterious and powerful guardian of forests around the world. These majestic trees, stretching towards the sky, maintain their vitality even in the snow-covered mountains in winter with their needle leaves.
Pinus trees are old friends whose age can reach thousands of years. There are trees that have witnessed 4,800 years of history, such as "Methuselah".
The branches, needles and cones of Pine Trees are arranged with Fibonacci numbers that carry the secrets of nature. While the wood obtained from these powerful trees is used in our homes and furniture, their resins are also a natural source of healing.
Cottonwood trees are in the genus Populus and are common in the Northern Hemisphere.
These trees are known for their leaves that sway slightly in strong winds and support their natural habitat. It is also a valuable source of nectar and pollen for bees. The rapid growth characteristic of cottonwood trees plays an important role in erosion control and soil stabilization.
Cupressus is a genus of evergreen conifers of the Cupressaceae family. These medium and large trees grow in temperate regions and spread between continents.
While it is used as an ornamental tree especially in parks and gardens, some species are also valuable in the wood industry due to its durable timber. It has also been considered a symbol of mourning and mourning since ancient times.
Birch is a fine-leaved deciduous tree and belongs to the Betulaceae family. It is common in temperate and boreal climates, usually in the northern hemisphere.
Thanks to its light and durable wood, it is used in furniture and paper production. In addition, its bark is considered a valuable material in natural remedies and artistic work.
Olive tree, known as Olea europaea, is a tree species native to the Mediterranean Region. Olive trees are used both as ornamental plants and have important economic value with their fruit and olive oil obtained from the fruit. Olive oil is indispensable for a healthy diet and is one of the basic components of Mediterranean cuisine.
Maple trees are a type of tree that contains about 132 species in the genus Acer and is generally of Asian origin. These trees are known for their palm-shaped leaves and winged fruit.
These species, also found in Europe, North Africa and North America, are also often grown in gardens and stand out for their beautiful fall colors. Syrup obtained from maple trees is an important source of nutrition.
Moluccella laevis
Moluccella laevis is a summer blooming annual plant native to Turkey, Syria, and the Caucasus. This plant, which represents luck, is grown for use in flower bouquets.
Its small white flowers stand out with vibrant green sepals surrounding it. Belonging to the mint family, this herb grows fast and can be cut and used in fresh or dried flower arrangements.

Chamelaucium, also known as wax flower, is a genus that includes shrubs native to Western Australia. These plants, which belong to the Myrtaceae family, attract attention with their fragrant leaves and flowers similar to tea tree flowers.
The most famous species, Geraldton waxflower, Chamelaucium uncinatum, is widely cultivated for its large and attractive flowers.
Helleborus viridis

Helleborus viridis, known as green buttercup, is a poisonous plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family. It is native to Central and Western Europe.
This plant, which blooms in spring, is used in traditional folk medicine to treat worms in children and to treat lice. However, its consumption can lead to severe vomiting and seizures.
Calla lily

Calla lily is a perennial herbaceous plant originating from southern Africa, known as ornamental plants belonging to the genus Zantedeschia. Although these plants are not true lilies, true arums, or true callas, they are highly prized and widely cultivated for their fascinating flowers and leaves in a variety of colors.
Calla lilies are popular in ornamental gardens, weddings and various events. Both its colorful flowers and leaves are used in homes and gardens to add aesthetic value. Some species of these plants are also preferred in indoor decoration and flower arrangements.
Green Cockscomb
Green Cockscomb is a low-growing and tree-like plant that is a popular type of bonsai. Suitable for rock gardens with warm climates, this succulent plant should be grown indoors where the frost-resistant appearance does not contain colder.
It is sensitive to low water needs and should generally be irrigated according to the size of the operation and weather conditions. Green Cockscomb with low nutrient production can be fed with a small amount of summer protective slow release fertilizer. It is an ideal choice for gardens and interiors, with both aesthetic value and utility.

Dahlia are perennial plants native to Mexico and Central America, known for their showy flowers and tuberous roots. Dahlia, which is in the same family as daisy, sunflower, chrysanthemum and zinnia, is a colorful flower that has 49 species and is often grown in gardens. These plants, which bloom in almost every color except blue, attract insects with their bright colors although they are odorless.
Dahlias are also considered the national flower of Mexico and have been used for different purposes throughout history.
The Poaceae, also known as the meadow family, is a rich family of plants that are common throughout the world and include cereals, bamboo and grass species.
Poaceae, which includes approximately 780 genera and 12,000 species, provides essential grains such as wheat, rice and maize that play a major role in our diet and is also used in the production of biofuels. This family also forms the basis of natural meadows and lawns in landscaping.
Fern is a group of vascular plants that do not produce seeds or flowers, but reproduce by spores, including ferns of various species. The leaves of these plants open in a fascinating spiral and usually grow in moist environments.
While fern plants are used as ornamental plants, some species are also used as food, medicine and biofertilizer. In addition, these plants, which are the subject of research on reducing air pollution, have also taken a place in folklore.

Dill is an annual herb belonging to the parsley family, whose leaves and seeds are used to add flavor to dishes.
Native to North Africa, Chad, Iran and the Arabian Peninsula, dill is widely cultivated throughout Eurasia.
Thanks to the historical roots of this special plant and its importance in many cultures, dill has earned a valuable place in both cooking and alternative medicine.
Basil is a culinary herb belonging to the mint family Lamiaceae and is also known as Ocimum basilicum. Spreading from the tropics to Central Africa and Southeast Asia, the bacillus has a wide range of uses in world cuisine.
Also called sweet basil, this herb adds a unique flavor to dishes with its fresh and fragrant leaves.
The bacillus, which has different species, grows especially in Mediterranean and tropical climates, and some varieties also have insect repellent properties.
Parsley is an aromatic plant known for its rich vitamin and mineral content and has many health benefits. It is widely used especially in Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cuisines. It can be used both as a side dish and as a main ingredient.

Thyme, known as "thyme" in Turkish, is an aromatic plant belonging to the genus Thymus from the Lamiaceae family. This plant, which is especially native to the Mediterranean region, can be used both fresh and dry. Thyme is widely used in the fields of health and beauty.
Due to its antiseptic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it supports the immune system and is beneficial against skin problems.
It is also used as a spice in dishes and adds flavor. Thyme was a gift to warriors and knights as it was seen as a symbol of courage in history.

Mentha is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants, also known as mint, belonging to the Lamiaceae family and has 13 to 24 species. Due to the refreshing smell and aroma of mint, it is frequently preferred in food, cosmetic and medical fields. It is also effective in relieving digestive problems and respiratory ailments.
Clovers are herbaceous plants of European origin, belonging to the Fabaceae family, with about 300 species belonging to the genus Trifolium.
These plants, known for their three-leaf structure, are especially grown as fodder plants and have an important place in animal nutrition. At the same time, it contributes to the balance of nutrients in agricultural areas by reducing the nitrogen in the soil to low levels.


Polytrichum is a genus of mosses that has about 70 species and is distributed worldwide. These algae are also known as hair covering algae or hair algae.
Polytrichum species show endohydric properties and carry water from the base of the plant. These mosses, with parallel photosynthetic lamellae on their leaves, exhibit xeromorphic adaptations that help them adapt to arid conditions. They are also dioecious species in which male and female plants are separate.
Rhytidiadelphus squarrosuz

Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus is a species of moss known as "springy turf-moss" in the UK and "square goose neck moss" in the United States.
Widespread in Eurasia and North America, this species has wide ecological tolerance that can adapt to a variety of ecosystems.
It is mainly found in man-made areas, turf fields and golf courses.
The leaves radiate outward over the stems and reproduce asexually. Its frequent occurrence in human-related areas makes the natural habitat of Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus uncertain.
Plagiomnium cuspidatum

Plagiomnium cuspidatum, also known as toothed or "baby tooth" moss, is a species of moss native to North America. Today it is also found in Central America, Africa, North and South Asia (excluding China), and Europe.
It usually grows at the base of trees, logs and rocks. It is used as nesting material by songbirds and salamanders, while humans also use it as planting material for bioactive terrariums, aquariums and paludariums.

Pincushion Moss, or Leucobryum glaucum, is an evergreen, pillow-growing type of moss. With light gray-green to medium green leaves, this moss grows to form dense cushions of various sizes. Pincushion Moss prefers to grow in moist and shady areas and helps prevent water retention and erosion in nature. It can also be used as a decorative item in gardens and terrariums.
Ptilium crista-castrensis

Ptilium crista-castrensis, also known as knight's feather moss or ostrich feather moss, is a species of moss in the family Pylaisiaceae. It is found on the floor of Canadian boreal forests and in many forests of Northern Europe.
It is especially common in forests dominated by black fit and hairy moss. This type of algae plays an important role in maintaining the forest ecosystem and moisture balance.

Parrots are intelligent and playful birds, known for their colorful plumage and ability to mimic human speech. They feed on a variety of fruits, seeds and nectar.
They are also very active and energetic animals, thanks to the ability to jump and climb on their feet. Pet parrots are popular as social and entertaining pets.
Green jay

The green jay is a colorful and lively bird that lives in Central America. These birds, which are about 27 cm long, draw attention with their blue and black feathers on their heads, green wings, blue-green tails and black beaks.
Their food consists of insects, vertebrates, seeds and fruits. These birds, which attract attention in nature with their social and curious nature, are also known for their ability to use tools.

The Turaco is a member of the Musophagidae, a family of colorful and tropical birds native to Africa. Living in forests, woodlands and savannas, these birds have unique and unique pigments to obtain their bright green and red plumage.
Turacos eat fruit and especially figs and live in herds. Although they are strong climbers, their flying abilities are rather weak.
Green rosella

The green rosella is a species of parrot native to Tasmania and the Bass Strait Islands, attracting attention with its long-tailed, colorful feathers. It feeds largely on herbivores and nests in tree cavities. This beautiful bird has "least concern" status on the IUCN's red list of endangered species.
Amazon parrot

Amazon parrots are medium-sized, short-tailed parrots that are usually green in color but with different accent colors depending on the species. Known for their ability to imitate various sounds and human speech.
They are winged with short, rounded tails and wings, strong beaks, and prominent bareceres (the area around the snout cluster). Males may be larger in some species, although there are marked differences between the sexes.
Green kingfisher

Green kingfisher is a bird that makes distinctive and distinctive sounds. They usually communicate with single or double beats, making sounds like two pebbles hitting each other.
Another sound is similar to a harsh, wheezing sound expressed as "tsheersh", "tseelp" or "zchrrk". It is thought that these sounds are used for various purposes, especially for communication and to indicate their regions.
Green parakeet

The green parakeet is a colorful and energetic parrot native to Mexico. Usually 28 to 30.5 cm long, these birds stand out for their bright green plumage and red-spotted cheeks and throat.
The Green parakeet, which can live both in its natural habitat and in cities, is found in a variety of forest and bush areas. These cheerful and sociable parrots live in areas ranging from eastern to southern Mexico and in the US state of Texas.
Rose-ringed parakeet

The rose-ringed parakeet is a medium-sized and colorful parrot species. This parrot, which has natural habitats especially in Africa and the Indian Subcontinent, has spread to other regions by forming feral populations around the world.
The difference between the sexes is evident with the red and black neck ring of the males. These birds, which are green in the wild, can be seen in many different colors thanks to color mutations produced in captivity.
Violet-green swallow

The violet-green swallow is a small songbird of the swallow family originating from North America. Preying on air beetles, these birds are spread along the west coast from Alaska to Mexico and east to Montana and Texas.
This species, which looks quite similar to the tree martin, can be distinguished by the white rump side spots that appear between the green back and purple tail.
Violet-green swallows nest in a variety of habitats, particularly deciduous and coniferous forests, empty tree hollows, and large cliff crevices.

The Budgerigar is a small, long-tailed, seed-fed parrot. These birds, which have a striking appearance with their natural colors of green and yellow, are popular worldwide as pets.
They are preferred because of their ability to mimic people's speech, their small size and low cost. They are also known as nomadic flock parrots and have been kept as pets for centuries.
Glistening-green tanager

The Glistening-green tanager is a colorful bird of the family Thraupidae found in Colombia and Ecuador. This species lives in humid tropical mountain forests.
Males are bright emerald green, while females are slightly paler than males. These beautiful birds attract attention with their green color and bright appearance.
Mitred parakeet

Mitred parakeet is a colorful parrot species originating from South America, belonging to the subfamily Arinae.
These green-colored birds stand out with their purplish foreheads and red patterns on their faces.
With small populations in California, Florida and Hawaii, this breed is also popular as a pet. They range in length from 31-38 cm, and both males and females are found in similar colouration.
Puerto Rican tody

The Puerto Rican tody is a small bird native to Puerto Rico that lives in brightly colored woodlands. Known locally as "San Pedrito" and "medio pesos", this bird is quite miniature with a length of 11 cm and a weight of 5-6 grams.
Male and female birds are similar in color, with the only difference being their eye colour; Males are seen to have gray eyes and females to have white eyes.
During their small lives, they live in dense forest areas and are especially found in moist forests at high altitudes.

Lovebird is the common name given to cute and small parrot species originating from Africa. These social and affectionate birds are named for their strong pair bonds and tendency to sit together for long periods of time.
Measuring between 13 and 17 cm in length, the lovebirds are noted for their short tail and large, sharp beak. These birds, which come in a variety of colors, are also very popular as pets, with an average lifespan of 10 to 12 years.

European green lizard

The European green lizard is a large and colorful lizard species living in the middle latitudes of Europe. Males are green with distinctive small spots, while females are more solid and sometimes adorned with clear bands with black spots.
These beautiful reptiles are often spotted on rocks or grass to warm up and gather energy in the sun. They can protect themselves by parrying (autotomy) their tails while escaping from their enemies and then regrow.
Green tree python

Green tree python is a bright green, tree-dwelling snake species belonging to the Pythonidae family. It usually feeds on small reptiles and mammals.
This intriguing breed is considered a popular pet due to its beautiful colors and unusual appearance.
Lamprolepis smaragdina

Lamprolepis smaragdina is a tropical lizard species with bright green color and large black eyes. It usually feeds on insects and small creatures and is a mobile, energetic species. It is slowly gaining popularity in the exotic pet market.
Ahaetulla Prasina

Ahaetulla prasina, also known as the Asian vine snake, is a species of snake belonging to the Colubridae family found in southern Asia. This snake, which has a slender and long body, can be seen in adults in bright green, pale olive green or gray-brown colors.
Ahaetulla prasina is a posterior-toothed species and is not considered a threat to humans, although it is mildly venomous. The long pointed nose of this snake gives it a unique appearance.
Abronia (lizard)

Abronia is a genus of lizards belonging to the Anguidae family. It is particularly common in Guatemala and Mexico, although some species extend to places such as El Salvador and Honduras.
Abronia species live almost entirely in trees. These lizards have interesting physical features, for example A.
Lythrochila has spines on the back of its head. Also, the body scales have patterns and capillary lines. Each type has its own characteristics. Abronia species are generally slow-moving and stand still when they feel threatened.
Andaman day gecko

The Andaman day gecko is a species of gecko native to India and is found mainly in the Andaman Islands. Its body is bright green with red dots and stripes on its back. This species feeds on insects and has naturally spread to the Andaman Islands.
More recently, it has also been introduced to the Nicobar Islands. Unlike other Phelsuma species, the Andaman day gecko has naturally spread in the Andaman Islands and has been present on the islands for many years.
The history of the Andaman day gecko is quite interesting. This species is the most basal member of the currently extant genus Phelsuma, which separated from the clade in which all Western Indian Ocean Phelsuma species was found during the late Oligocene about 27 million years ago.

Opheodrys is a genus of nonvenomous snakes found in North America. There are two different types: the rough green snake and the smooth green snake. These snakes usually live in woodland and bush areas.
Sand lizard

Sand lizard, also known as Lacerta agilis, is a species of reptile native to most parts of Europe. Male sand lizards display aggressive behavior to mate with females, while females only release a single brood once a year.
Sand lizards live in specialized habitats such as coastal heathlands, where they often brood on warm sands.
Males attract attention with their bright colors and they are more selective in mating thanks to their aggressive behavior. Females, on the other hand, share their space with other sand lizards and prefer a smaller living space.
Fruits and vegetables

Honeydew is one of the two main cultivar types of the Cucumis melo Inodorus Group. It is characterized by its smooth peel and no musk smell.
It is often eaten as a pulp for a sweet taste and is available in supermarkets around the world, along with melons and watermelons. Honeydew, like most fruits, is an excellent source of vitamin C, with one cup containing 56% of the recommended daily value.

Morinda citrifolia is a fruiting tree species belonging to the Rubiaceae family. It is found naturally in Southeast Asia and Australasia and was spread across the Pacific by Polynesian sailors. It is cultivated in the tropics and commonly grows naturally. It is used as a staple food in some cultures, while in other cultures it is consumed during periods of hunger due to its excessive odor. It requires tropical climates and is tolerant of saline soils, arid conditions and secondary soils. It is also used by the Austronesian peoples for dyes.

Breadfruit is a fruit tree from the Moraceae family. It was discovered on the islands of Tahiti and Polynesia and was brought to the West Indies as a cheap source of energy for slaves.
The inside is potato-like, the flavor is nice and nutritious. Cooking the fruit on the tree causes it to taste like "fresh bread". In addition, its light, durable timber is used in the construction of marine vehicles. Its benefits include its high fiber, vitamin and mineral content.

Gooseberry is a fruit belonging to the same family as wild rose and celandine. It is usually green in color, but may also have colors such as orange, red, purple and black.
Its fruits are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and can have a sweet or sour flavor. As the fruits can be consumed raw, they can also be used to make jams, pies and juices.
Gooseberry cultivation, which was popular in England in the 19th century, continues today. It has also been removed from forests in America because it carries a disease that damages pine trees.

Artichoke is a type of thorny plant for food. The edible part is the flower buds and is harvested before flowering. It was developed by the Italians in the 15th century.
Artichoke is known to contain high antioxidant capacity and some bioactive substances. The English name "artichoke" is of Arabic origin and comes from the word "harshafa" meaning "scale".
Brussels sprout

Brussels sprouts are a member of the Gemmifera cultivar group of Brassica oleracea, grown for its edible buds. They are leafy vegetables, usually 1.5-4.0 cm in diameter and resembling miniature cabbages. Ü
Its name comes from Brussels, Belgium, the source of its popularity. Thought to have also been cultivated in ancient Rome, Brussels sprouts became known in Belgium in the 13th century and later became common in northern Europe.
Van Doorn's chemical analyzes identified the chemicals sinigrin and progoitrin that make Brussels sprouts bitter, and crossing modern high-yielding cultivars with low bitterness cultivars has increased its popularity.

Bottle gourd, also known as Calabash, Lagenaria siceraria, is grown as a type of vine plant and fruit. While it can be consumed as a vegetable when young, it is dried when ripe and used as a kitchen tool, vessel or musical instrument.
Pumpkins, which differ in shape, are one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. Today, it is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions.

Coriander is an annual plant species from the Apiaceae family. Its fresh leaves and dried seeds are mostly used in cooking.
Although its leaves are associated with a lemon-lemonade flavor, it gives some people a soapy taste.
It has been used in Egypt, Greece and other civilizations dating back to 1550 BC.

Edamame is a green soybean used in Japanese cuisine. It is usually served boiled in salted water or steamed.
It has become popular worldwide due to its healthy diet and rich nutritional content. The name comes from the Japanese "edamame" meaning "twig bean".

Kale has become a popular part of healthy eating in recent years and is also known as a superfood. Despite being a low-calorie vegetable, kale contains high amounts of vitamin C, iron, calcium and many other vitamins and minerals.
Plus, the many different compounds found in kale can provide many benefits, including immune system health, eye health, cardiovascular health, and reduced cancer risk.
Kale leaves can be consumed fresh or cooked and used in many different dishes such as salads, smoothies, soups, stews, chips and even pizza.

Belonging to the cabbage family, lettuce is often grown for its leaves. Lettuce, which is the most important ingredient of salads, is also consumed in soups, sandwiches and grills in some cultures.
The ancient Egyptians created this delicious leafy vegetable from a plant used for oil. Its production has expanded in Europe and North America, and its consumption has increased worldwide over the last century.
Lettuce, which is also a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, can also be the source of outbreaks of some bacteria, viruses and parasites.

Asparagus is one of the spring vegetables and especially its young shoots are used for cooking. Some compounds found in asparagus, especially those containing sulfur, cause a characteristic odor in the urine after consumption.
The nutrients found in asparagus include important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, iron, magnesium and potassium. Also, the subspecies Asparagus prostratus has lower growing, often slanting stems and shorter needle-like cladodes.

Broccoli is a vegetable from the cruciferous family, Brassica oleracea genus, Italica cultivar group. The edible part is usually the dark green, branched heads.
It originates from Italy and has a history of at least 2000 years. Broccoli is particularly rich in vitamin C and vitamin K.
Broccoli's characteristic sulfur-containing glucosinolate compounds, isocyanates, and sulforaphane content are reduced during boiling, but these nutrients are better preserved by steaming, microwaving, or roasting. Broccoli is closely related to other cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower and collard greens.


Emerald is a green variety of Beryl caused by chromium or vanadium. Because it has a hardness of 7.5-8, its durability is low and usually contains.
When evaluating, four main characteristics are taken into account: colour, clarity, cut and carat weight. Clarity is as important a criterion as color in emeralds. It is often oiled to hide oxidized cracks. The highest price is for emeralds with a colourful, saturated and vibrant green, with no visible defects and a pleasant hue.

Demantoid is the green colored one of a kind of garnet mineral. It was discovered in Russia in 1868. It is known for its diamond-like high brilliance and dispersion.
It is mostly mined in Russia and Namibia, but can also be found in places like Italy, Iran, and Afghanistan.
It may contain a variety of asbestos called chrysotile, but this property is considered Russian-made. Demantoids are usually less than 1 carat, and larger than 3 carats are very rare.

Peridot, also known as chrysolite, is a deep yellowish green, transparent variety of olivine with only one color.
The origin of the name is uncertain, but may derive from Anglo-Norman or Arabic words. Peridot is found in lavas and peridotites of mafic and ultramafic rocks.
It is one of two calculus rocks that have been observed to form not in the Earth's crust but in the molten rock of the upper mantle.
It is rarely seen on the earth's surface because it is chemically unstable. Peridot is the birthstone for August and is believed to have protective powers. A 310-carat cut peridot on display at the Smithsonian Museum is the largest specimen of cut peridot ever found.

Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals containing high amounts of F-, Cl-, and OH- ions. It is the main component of tooth enamel and bone mineral. It is also used in the manufacture of fertilizers and for industrial uses.

Tsavorite is a type of garnet mineral and is found in Tanzania and Kenya. First discovered in 1967, this mineral is named after Tsavo East National Park in Kenya. Tsavorite is a rare gemstone, distinguished by its green color and high transparency.

Titanite, also known as sphene, is a rare mineral. The name originates from the titanium in the mineral. It is usually found in the form of translucent or transparent crystals with brown, yellow, green and red colors.
Titanite glows in low light, reflecting different colors. This rare mineral is used as a source of titanium dioxide, which is used in the manufacture of pigments.

Diopside is a green colored stone and is found in volcanic and metamorphic rocks. This stone, like other minerals, is used in various technological applications.
For example, it has potential applications in sealed materials in biomaterials, nuclear waste disposal, and solid oxide fuel cells. In addition, chromium diopside, which is mined in various places, is used as an important indicator in diamond exploration studies.
Chrome diopside, also known as Siberian emeralds, is a semi-precious stone that draws attention with its rich green color despite the softness of the stones.

Fluorite (or fluorite stone) is the mineral form of calcium fluoride. It can be colorless and transparent, but often appears in different colors such as purple, lilac, yellow, green, blue, pink, champagne or brown due to the additives it has.
It is used in industry as a fluid used in metalworking and is also used in the manufacture of glass and enamel. In addition, the purest fluorites are the source for the production of hydrofluoric acid, which is an intermediate of fluoride-containing fine chemicals.
Optically clear and transparent fluorite lenses are valuable in optical instruments such as microscopes and telescopes.
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