How the Colors You Choose for Your Logo Can Make or Break Your Brand

March 18, 2025

The word logo can be a synonym for first impression. It's not everything, SpaceX doesn't build incredible rockets because it has a great logo, but the logo is very important for first impressions. 

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And as Harvey Specter said, first impressions last (a character from suits TV series).

So what is the most important element in the creation of a logo? 

Colors, of course...

Anyway, if it were not for the colors, it would be beyond our scope. As you know, at Eggradients we care about colors and talk about them. Sometimes flat... sometimes gradients... It's both a fun topic to talk about and... anyway, if I start counting, I realize that I can find many reasons, so I'm stopping now and going back to the original topic...

Colors and logo.

As you know, every color evokes a feeling in people. Even though we have just built the modern world we live in, man is an ancient being and so are colors, so colors always remind them of something... 

If your company's value proposition aligns well with what these colors evoke in people, you will have a great advantage with very little effort.

No matter how well you have mastered the basic principles. Sometimes one can also be unexpected, so definitely when choosing colors, as with any other business task, choose testing over arrogance...

Getting to the truth can sometimes be harder than you think, no matter how obvious it may seem. 

The Importance of Color Psychology in Logo Design

As I mentioned above, there is a connection between colors and emotions. 

This connection is not something to be overestimated, nor is it something to be underestimated. It is best to accept the nature of the human brain and move forward with it. 

In short, colors evoke emotions

Enough theoretical talk, now let's go through some examples, shall we?


Blue is associated with trust. And trust is often based on loyalty. So why is trust so important for Facebook?

Because you don't share personal data with people you don't trust. I'm not joking, yes I sounded a bit sarcastic but. Facebook is not just facebook, it is also the place where we share and store our memories, so trust is one of the most important elements for us to perform these actions. 


So why did youtube use the color red? Because red brings out emotions in us, like excitement, passion and rush.

So what business is youtube in?

Of course the entertainment industry...

It's that simple, I'll limit the examples to two because I think you already understand the concept. 

Research Your Competitors’ Logo Colors

After a bit of practical knowledge, I am back to theoretical issues.

Here are three things you shouldn't ignore when choosing a logo

Research Your Competitors: Examine the logo colors used in your industry.

Getting noticed is important: If your competitors are using blue and green, consider more vibrant and bold colors.

Maintain Balance: Choose a unique color palette without completely breaking away from industry norms.

Use an AI Logo Generator to Experiment

In this title, we are dealing with artificial intelligence, which has developed so much that we can no longer ignore it. 

I am not sure if it is something to be feared as much as the media exaggerates, but it is certainly a reality that cannot be ignored anymore,

I don't know if people's jobs are safe, but I think it is a good thing for humanity. 

It is said that AI will support us in many aspects of our lives, but to what extent can it fulfill its promises in terms of logos?


According to Cybernews experts, AI-powered logo makers deliver instant designs by entering your company name and colors.

Also I support you in research, testing various options to find the most eye-catching color combination that best suits your brand. 

Choose One or Two Main Colors

Another important issue is balance. 

The world's greatest colors can produce bad results in an equation that lacks balance. 

As you already know, this is true in all areas of life, but when it comes to colors, it deserves more attention because the mistakes are more obvious.

Here are other suggestions as a bullet list. 

By the way, I think bullet lists make it easier to understand a text, so I use them as much as I can. If you think otherwise and you have a lot of them, send me an e-mail. I enjoy updating the content with your suggestions.

Simplicity Matters: Logos with one or two dominant colors are more easily recognized and remembered by customers.  

Monochrome Logos: Brands like Apple and Target use iconic and recognizable logos.  

Multi-Color Logos: Brands like Google and NBC use a variety of colors, but the primary colors are distinct.  

Maintain Balance: If you use more than one color, make one or two stand out. Too many colors can distract and clutter your logo.

Use Color Psychology to Connect with Your Audience

Here are some examples of how specific colors attract certain audiences:

  • Blue: Professional services, financial companies, technology brands
  • Green: Companies focused on health, nature, sustainability
  • Purple: Creative brands, beauty industry, innovative startups
  • Red: Energetic brands, bold and innovative companies
  • Orange: Intimate, informal brands
  • Yellow: Optimistic, fun brands

Test Colors with Your Target Audience

If you are a designer, or an entrepreneur, or in any position where decision-making is important, one of the most important things to be aware of is not to rely too much on your own instincts. 

Your own tastes are important and valuable, but your job is often to solve problems. 

It is absolutely important to listen to your clients' tastes.

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