It is already one of the symbols of Christianity in red cross.
In the medieval period, what is meant by the red horde is the people gathered under the red cross. These expeditions are also called crusades.
England Flag
Usually the flag of the United Kingdom, I guess the flag of England. But these two flags are different. The flag of the United Kingdom has navy blue details. The UK flag has a white background. And there is only a thin red cross.
So what is the source of this misunderstanding?
In events such as the World Cup, the Olympics, England is not represented alone. It is represented as the United Kingdom. This may have caused indecision about which flag is the original. However, this is generally not a problem.
It has a history dating back to 1188. The English and French kings of the period decided to organize a crusade and the first flag, representing the army, appeared.
Bonus: Flag coloring pages
Georgia Flag
This flag was adopted in 2004. It's a fairly young flag. Unlike the above flag, this flag has four red crosses. However, the color tones are more or less the same.
Like many countries in the region, Georgia sided with the soviet socialist republic. That's why the red details were present on the flag. However, with the passage of time, communism completely lost its influence in the region and Georgia redesigned its own flag and established an independent country.
Among the reasons for the collapse of communism in the region, he cites the unequal distribution of public services to the people.
However, it is also stated that innovation cannot be done by the state, and that entrepreneurs therefore have a very important value.
As I mentioned above, the current flag was obtained with the independence of the country.
When we look back at national flags, in fact, more than 60% of countries' flags are not even 100 years old yet. This means that the order we live in is not as old as we thought and has not yet proven to be successful.
Anyway, back to our topic.
The history of the current flag dates back to the foundation of Tbilisi, an old settlement. In the 14th century, a red cross flag was used on a white background. Based on this, the current flag was created. In short, the country has returned to its roots.
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