All Color Names: +100 Colors With HEX Codes

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Before I started the Eggradients, I thought I knew a lot about colors. But I was wrong. There are more colors than I thought. I developed this page to be an archive of color names.

The names of the colors on this page are not fictitious. They are officially recognized and accepted by various institutions.

You will undoubtedly see familiar names on the list. But mostly, you will learn new names. Maybe even new colors.

Do you want to use these colors in your design? It's fine. All you have to do is click hex code!

Here are all color name list in a one place.

Purple Color Names

From light purple shades to dark purple tones, in this section, you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the color of purple. We live in an age of possibilities. 👏

Meaning of purple color: Purple is also interpreted by society as a feminine color. It also represents luxury. But if the luxuries return to need, trouble begins. 🏃

Amethyst Purple
Blue Violet
Chinese Violet
Dark Violet
Electric Indigo
Dark Purple
Electric Purple
English Violet
Heliotrope Purple
Indigo Purple
Lavender Blush
Grape Color
Iris Purple
Byzantium Color

Red Color Names

Red is the color of passion. It is also used in designs to highlight issues that need attention.

coral color
pink color
maroon color
burgundy color
auburn color
magenta color
red color
fuchsia color
dark red
mahogany color
blood red
scarlet color
tyrian purple
rust color

Brown Color Names

Among the list of name colours, the shade of brown is the collection with the must sub-colours.

Meaning of brown color: Brown is most often associated with healing because the soil gives the plant. Life happens where the plant grows. Where life is, there is hope. Okay, I'm stopping here because it's starting to look like poetry.

Burgundy Color
Maroon color
Khaki Color
tan color
taupe color
bronze color
copper color
burnt sienna
chestnut color
olive color
sienna color
burnt umber
ecru color

Yellow Color Names

I made a list of yellow gradient colors before. Now I've added a list of flat shades of yellow to the site. There's a little difference between them. I made up the yellow gradients myself, but the names of yellow colors are purely official.

Meaning of yellow color: The yellow color represents warmth. Don't be surprised for that. The sun is also yellow. At least at noon.

lemon Yellow
Canary Yellow
Dandelion Color
Citrine Color
Light Yellow
Olive Color
Flax Color
Golden Yellow
Yellow Green
Mustard Yellow
Brass Color
Saffron Yellow
Ecru Color
Straw Color
Color Names

Black Color Names

Color names are unique. But black color names are both unique and cool. There are a total of 15 different black color samples in this list.

Meaning of black: The color black represents fear. But all comedians dress in black. It can't just express fear. At least in the present century.

dark purple
charcoal color
ebony color
onyx color
midnight blue
black olive
oxford blue
jet color
raisin color
smoky black
bistre color
licorice color
eigengrau color
black bean color

White Color Names

Before I started making this list, there were only two white names I knew — white and white smoke. But now I'm enlightened about white. It is your turn.

Meaning of white color: White color usually refers to purity and spiritual power. Think of Gandalf. In the first film, he was a Grey Gandalf, and no one cared. But in the second film, he became a White Gandalf and kicked everyone's ass.

snow white
lavender color
ivory color
peach color
blush color
platinum color
white smoke
navajo white
linen color
flax color
magnolia color
lemon color
honeydew color
seashell color

Pink Color Names

From dark pink to baby pink, this list contains every shades of pink in the universe.

Meaning of pink color: This color has a relaxing effect. It is often used in works that represent romanticism. It has taken place in society as a feminine color.

Fuchsia Pink
coral color
rouge color
flamingo pink
Dark Pink
Baby Pink
Salmon Color
Peach Color
Watermelon Color
magenta color
deep pink
Pastel Pink
light pink
Rosewood Color

Gray Color Names

The grey color is the main reason why I started to create these color lists. I wanted to make a slightly funny page by adapting the 50 shades of grey movie to other colours.

Meaning of gray color: Gray has good and bad meanings. Gray may represent intelligence or death or depressed.

taupe color
silver color
charcoal color
slate gray
white smoke
gunmetal gray
ash gray
purple gray
battleship gray
cool gray
rose quartz color
payne's gray
timberwolf color
yellow gray

Orange Color Names

Orange is a color that represents confidence and energy. This list includes a variety of orange colors, from warm tones to dark tones.

apricot color
neon orange
metallic gold
buff color
tawny color
dark orange
pastel orange
tangerine color
light orange
bright orange
persimmon color
international orange
orange red
marigold color

Blue Color Names

In this part of the list of colours, you will see blue color names with HEX codes.

Meaning of blue color: Blue is associated with freedom. This may be because the sky and seas are blue. The reason the sea is blue is the sky because water has no color.

Dark blue tones are often used for dashboards. As employees spend more time on the screen, dark tones reflect less light, so they tire the eyes less. Dark color palettes are often used in Vue Templates and Themes.

Prussian Blue Color
Navy Blue Color
Royal Blue Color
Midnight Blue Color
Turquoise color
Cobalt Blue Color
Sky Blue Color
Electric Blue Color
Cerulean Blue Color
True Blue Color

Green Color Names

It's time for you to know that there are more greens than dollars and forest green. 😂

Meaning of geren color: Green is, of course, a color that represents nature. But it also means wealth and money. The American dollar is green.

chartreuse color
kelly green
lime green
hunter green
cyan color
forest green
neon green
aquamarine color
dark green
light green
spring green
mint color
pastel green
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