Dark Pink
August 30, 2024
The color name Dark pink for this dark tone of pink was in use since 2001. At a RGB color space, hex #e75480 (also known as Dark pink) is composed of 90.6% reddish, 32.9% green and 50.2% blue. Whereas at a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0% cyan, 63.6percent magenta, 44.6% yellow, and 9.4% black.
Color Conversions
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Color Combinations
Cool Personality
Anticipated Meeting
As Attractive as a Musical Note
Prescription Happiness
Shades of Dark Pink

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Color Variations
Dark pink is in the list of the shade of pink.
Pink is thought to have a calming effect.
One shade called"drunk-tank pink" is sometimes used in prisons to calm inmates. Sports teams sometimes paint the opposing team's locker room pink to keep the gamers lively and not as exciting.