Light Pink
You can find the Light Pink Color HEX code at right above. Sometimes using light pink in your design work would be the right decision you made. You can find some design examples below. Related: Light Pink Gradients
Color Conversions
Real Design Examples 👇🏽
Color Combinations
Caring Neighbor
Dreamer Government Official
Lost Paint
Cool Like a New Phone Case
Peaceful and Calm
An Italian Poet
Shades of Light Pink
Related: Pink Gradients
Best Match

Color Variations

The color pastel pink with hexadecimal color code #dea5a4 is a light shade of crimson.
For the other shades of pink color you can visit here.
In a RGB color space, Light Pink Color #ffb6c1is composed of 100% red, 71.4% green and 75.7% blue. Whereas at a CMYK color space, it consists of 0% cyan, 28.6percent magenta, 24.3% yellow and 0% black.
Though this colour is called"light pink", as can be determined by inspecting its hex code, it's a slightly darker, not a lighter, tint of pink compared to the colour pink itself.
A more exact name for this in terms of traditional color nomenclature would, therefore, be medium light pink.
You can find the Light Pink Color HEX code at right above.