Old Glory Red
Old Glory Red is the name of this particular shade in this flag. Comparison with blue, white and red colors in the United state reveals that the shade of red is a slightly unique one as compared to the other two color shades.
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The year nineteen hundred and thirteen brought the War of 1812. The American army fought bravely in this war and thus earned the motto ‘An Appeal to Heaven.'
Heralds of President Andrew Jackson came up with another motto viz 'Renewed Hostilities'. It was used on the navy's uniforms only.
How do you define red, white and blue? How about the flag? Today we take the privilege of living in the greatest nation on earth for granted. We don't fully comprehend the blood shed to protect us and our freedom. Let's begin by looking at the flag itself; we call it The Stars and Stripes.

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Number of Red Stripe on United State Flag
I think these red lines are the most distinctive feature of the flag. Some think that the most beautiful part of the American flag is the stars. I do not share the same opinion with them. I think the flag is the most spectacular red stripes and there are a total of 7 of these stripes..