Stratos Blue

October 24, 2024

This color is called Stratos Blue (#00073f)! This deep and powerful blue adds a bold and mysterious energy to your designs. 🌌

rgb(0 7 65)











Color Conversion

Color Model Code
HEX #00073f
RGB (0, 7, 63)
HSL (231°, 100%, 12%)
HSV (231°, 100%, 25%)
CMYK (1.00, 0.89, 0.00, 0.75)

Real Design Examples 👇🏽

Color Combinations





















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Best Match

Stratos Blue
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Triadic Colors




Analogous Colors




Monochromatic Colors








Complementary Color



Stratos Blue is like a color that traps the darkness of the night.

Its depth evokes the quietest moments of the sky or the unexplored depths of the ocean. This shade of blue carries an assertive yet serene power. 🌊

Pair it with white for a subtle yet striking contrast, while gold or metallic tones add a subtle sparkle to the seriousness of this blue. When you dare to experiment with bright colors, a striking energy emerges that highlights the mysterious side of Stratos Blue.

Build with ❤️ Lovable