Business Card Font Size

Did you decide to design a business card for your new venture? Congratulations. Knowing the right font for your business card will show you more professional.

Bussines Card Font Size is 10-11 pt is the best choice for Body and 7-8 pt is good for other text, for instance, contact information.

Yes, the world is more digital than before. Technological tools make everyday life easier. At least for the most part. Others make it harder to make our lives easier.

Anyway, technology took a lot of old equipment out of our lives.

They can be mechanical, digital or completely natural.

For example, music players. They disappeared completely.

Or phone books. There was a phone book everywhere. Everyone's phone would be registered there. And occasional updates with erasers and pencils.

Phone books have disappeared completely today.

But one thing survived despite the entire technological revolution. No matter how ridiculous, useless, it has remained as an indicator of reputation.

What am I talking about?

Of course, business cards.

Still messing up. Drawers, tables, business cards everywhere.

Mysteriously, the technology revolution failed to destroy business cards.

So why?

Because a business card is a sign of many things. Reliability, asset, prestige ... the list goes on and on.

Good design means a good reputation as the world accepts. This means that you need to take care of your business card design.

80 percent of the design consists of fonts.

By the way if you are looking good and free fonts, Google font is the best place.

I have shared the Business card font size above. These aren't rules. I just recommend it.

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