Patreon Banner Size

Did you finally convince yourself to open a Patreon page? Great. It is important to have supporters. Here are the Patreon banner size numbers for you.

The official Patreon banner size is as follows: 1600 x 400 pixels. A good banner can be an important factor in increasing your supporters.

We live in such a different world that we don't have to persuade anyone to be something.

We don't need to ask someone's permission to learn anything.

If we want to learn something, we can find it on the Internet. If we want to be something, we can start today.

The information we need to learn is available on the Internet. Communication tools necessary to reach someone are also available on the Internet.

There is only one thing left to do.

Take action.

So who makes the Internet so rich.

According to research, only 2 percent of people using the internet produce content for the internet.

The rest 98 is just consuming.

So the competition on the internet is much less than you think. There is almost no competition.

This is awesome.

Writing will never be easy. Editing a video will never be easier. These are activities that require attention during the action.

But if you like this challenge, if you at least agree that it is difficult, you can succeed.

Patreon is also a great source of income for those who produce this content. Content producers want a mass of money from their masses that can be called nano.

Thus, a sustainable environment is created.

If you are a content producer, I suggest you do not waste time opening a Patreon page.

Because those who read and watch their content are serious about supporting you.

I mentioned the Patreon banner size above.

If you want to design a Patreon banner and you have almost no knowledge of it, I recommend using Canva.

And if you want to read your other size articles, you can follow them here.

Ll, see.

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