Squarespace Image Size
Did you set up your website with the help of Squarespace? Cool. Then you need to know something about Squarespace Image Sizes. Here it is.
Squarespace is a website builder that cares about design. There are even those who call Apple for the website builder. I think it's a little exaggerated. It's just a software company. It wouldn't be right to compare a hardware company with a software company.
But considering other website builders, we can easily say that it's a better level of design.
Another difference from other site creators is the location where the company was founded. Squarespace is a New York-based company.
New York is considered the capital of artists. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they care about design.
If you're an ugly company, you can't live in New York much.
Squarespace doesn't offer its customers just good design. It also offers a good reputation. Because Squarespace knows that good design means a good reputation.
Strangely, these two have so many connections, but it's as real as gravity. I can tell from my own experience.
I made a PR page. Both Hackernews and Product Hunt appeared on the home page. I didn't do anything new. They had counterparts, but my difference was a good design.
Squarespace Image I've shared your information above.