Twitch Profile Picture Size
Wondering about Twitch profile picture size? Then this article is for you. Another thing you should know is that the Twitch profile icon has a limit of 10 MB.
How to upload Twitch profile Picture?
This is the easiest operation in the world. I will still explain it step by step. No matter how easy it is, a well-written guide can help speed things up.
We click on the round icon in the upper right corner.

Click the place where your username is written after the dropdown menu that opens.

Add profile picture yazısına tıklayın. Burda bilgisayardaki klasörler açılacak.

Unfortunately, the option to upload photos via link is unavailable. If that option is added, we will update the article.
I wouldn't recommend changing the Twitch profile picture too often.
Think well and put a picture and use it for a long time.
Too often it would be harmless to change the twitch profile picture.
It was an obstacle in establishing your brand, constantly changing profile picture.
If you are going to set your profile picture with an icon instead of the photo, you can examine the icons on the flaticon site.
If you want to have a caricature of your photo, you can rent one of the cartoonists in Dribbble.
It is also possible to find talented illustrators dribble, producing good solutions at an affordable price.
In the meantime, it is fashionable to use drawing in the Twitch profile icon.
What happens if I install the Twitch profile icon size bigger?
Nothing happens. Twitch allows uploading any size below 10 MB. But your picture looks ugly.
Your design goes beyond the space that Twitch devotes to you, and nobody wants it.
How should Twitch avatar be?
I mentioned the Twitch avatar size above. So what should we consider when choosing an avatar.
First of all, the avatar trends of each social media are different from each other.
Close photos or full-length photos are preferred on Instagram.
In Twitch, illustrations are generally used. Players prefer avatars drawn from their photos, but some people put their real photos.
If you need gradient inspiration, I suggest you check our Gradient page. Pre-made gradients with funny names can work for you.