Discord Text Formatting: Complete Guide

December 12, 2024
Discord has evolved into our online messaging app. Knowing Discord Text formatting commands will improve your messaging experience. From bold to italic, about 20 commands here.

Do you like texting on Discord? This is very normal because it is the most advanced messaging app in the world. Consumer-oriented messaging applications do not leave much space to the user. However, you are freer in this application. You can shape your messaging experience according to your wishes. On top of that, you can build a community using Bots crafted with artificial intelligence.

If you spend most of your day on this messaging app, you sometimes ask yourself questions like "how to bold in discord"? Or maybe you are wondering how to create strikethrough text?

Then this article is for you because we have covered all the discord text formatting commands in this article.

The Discord markup language is very simple. Acting on the assumption that most of its users do not know the software, the company has developed a user-friendly interface by eliminating the code barriers.

A subject covered in this article is the suggestions for making discord color text. Technically, Discord doesn't offer an option for you to color a post. But there are still easy ways to create text in certain colors. I don't want to give more details for now, but long story short, yes, it is possible to send color messages via discord.

Learn to make Strikethrough on Discord

~~ Copy me and paste discord. You will see how will I change ~~

Our first discord chat commands suggest discord strikethrough. Drawing lines on top of text can be difficult in other editors, but it's easy here. All you have to do is put two of the following symbol at the beginning and end of the post: ~~

It's that simple.

Why people use strikethrough text. There could be a million reasons for this. But generally, an existing update is also used to express and remind text that is no longer valid.

This method is also used to represent the completed tasks in the to-do list.

Just open discord and try it out. Once you know how to do it, you'll find plenty of reasons to implement this command.

How to Italicize in Discord

*Copy me and paste on discord. I will be much romantic*

If you want to create italics text in discord, simply put an asterisk at the beginning and end of the sentence.

I have shown all the commands you can apply in this messaging application in the table above. But I created these subheadings because I thought it would be more efficient to process some commands in detail.

discord italics is the easiest command to implement. All commands are easy but since we use the asterisk frequently in our daily lives, it is more memorable.

You can use italics when quoting or writing dialogue. These are common uses. More creative uses are also always welcome.

Discord Bold Text Trick

**Copy me. I’m your bold text**

If you want to make bold text, just put two ** signs at the beginning and end of the sentence. It's that simple.

It is very similar to the italic text pattern. But their intended use is different. Often the reason to make a text appear bold is to emphasize it. The bottom line is also for this purpose, but bold gives more charismatic results.

Meanwhile, another way to do these operations is to keep all the text. After that, the style menu appears and you can customize whatever you want, but my preference is always to use the discord markdown language.

After learning a little bit about discord text formatting, you will think like me. Because once your fingers get used to the commands, touching the touchpad starts to feel like a waste of time.

Learn to Make Underline in Discord

Until now, we have learned to bold and italic a sentence or the word in a sentence in discord software. Another popular markup command is Underline. Underline on Discord was as easy as any other.

Here is an example for you:

__Copy me, I'm your underline text template__

Using the example above, you can create an underlined sentence. I hope you know how to make underscores. If you don't know, just copy my sample text. But learning to do the bottom line will make you smarter than you are. And you become more efficient in your work. I think I learned how to make dollar signs on a mac computer today.

Discord Code Block Commands

Yes, you heard it right. You can create a code block in Discord. Single line or polyline options are also available. Using the Backticks (``) sign, you can create a code block that you can trade in seconds.

If you want to create a single-line code block, you need only one backtick.  After you cover your sentence with backticks, your block code is ready to go. You need to submit your text to see the result. 

If you need a multi-line code block. You need to use 3 backticks. I have shown clearly how to do it in the picture above. If you still have problems, you can contact me.

So why is it important to create a code block?

You may think that since you are not a developer, you will not need a code block. But you are wrong. If you want to create colored text on Discord, you need to learn the code block structure.

Discord text formatting logic is generally straightforward. However, you need to be more careful than other markup commands to understand colors.

Discord Color Text Formatting

Here we come to the most curious subject at the end. This is one of the most common questions people ask me: How can I write in different colors on discord.

You cannot write. At least no option supports this goal. However, you can convert the sentence you want to different colors by using the software language colors in the code block.

As you know, writing code is a very difficult thing. Reading a code is also very difficult. For this reason, some code languages are displayed in different colors so they are easy to read. Here we will learn to write in color using this feature. If you're ready, let's get started.

In the last part of our article about discord text effects, we will handle the colors.

Red Text in Discord

Orange Text on Discord

Yellow Text on Discord

Green Text on Discord

Cyan Text on Discord

Blue Text on Discord

How to Highligted Text on Discord

I explained the ways to make a text in different colors above. So what can we do to high light? There's a discord markdown for that too.

But there aren't as many options as colors. There is only one color available for now.

You can see how it's done in the picture above.

Last word

In this article, we examined discord text formatting commands. The world's most used desktop messaging app definitely deserved this review.

Before finishing the article, I would like to explain how to send a blank message with discord. Because sometimes we want to add a space between messages. And I wouldn't want to finish the article without writing so much and talking about it.

How to Send Blank Message on Discord

Do you want to send blank message on discord? Cool. Here is the thing you should do:

Use the above characters. And send it to the message section. You will send a message in the form of a blank space.

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