Random Movie Generator: Helps You Find What To Watch

December 12, 2024
This one is a result of our very first attempt at making a random movie generator. We've previously made a random picker in another field, but this time we thought doing about movies will be great. 

Well, I’m planning to do a lot of updates on this project. An upcoming version will have more random picks for example movies by cast, directors, periods, genres, and much more. 

It's so easy to get lost with the endless lists, charts, graphs, and streamed videos that the web has to offer without any clue of where to start. 

Some of us need something different... as a result, we need the Random Movie picker tool. With one click of the purple button, you can select a random movie to watch. 

One of the problems I observe with most of my friends is that they wait for minutes while thinking about what to watch on their Netflix screen.

Eventually, they either watch something they don't want or stop watching movies. Choosing a movie, especially while eating, is a nightmare. Either the food is getting colder or the food is running out until you choose the movie.

I also have this problem. And I think the small tool above will make your job easier in this regard.

Why Movies Are Great

We all know that movies are great, but why exactly are they great? There is so much information being thrown around surrounding the movie industry, future predictions, what’s hot, and what isn’t. 

However, there’s a lot more to cinema than some people realize. Movies have a deeper concept than masterfully displaying everything on the screen, which is what makes them so great. 

Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of people worldwide. 

They can entertain, inform and transport you into a different universe using only stories, actors, directors, and special effects

No other form of entertainment can truly compete with movie magic – hence their popularity for over 100 years. 

The movie industry is certainly worth a few billion dollars, and almost everyone has their list of favorite movies. 

Whereas some of us saw our favorite movies when we were kids (where I believe lies the true power of cinema), others discovered them at different stages in life. Some movies can even be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Let’s be honest for a moment. You don’t read movie reviews to find out if a movie is good or not, you read them so you know whether or not the film is worth your hard-earned dollar at the box office. 

I’d go as far as saying that movie reviews are essentially spoilers. 

Now I love going out to see the latest movies with my girlfriend and it’s not because of the fantastic popcorn or big-screen movies have to offer, it’s because there’s something great about escaping from reality and immersing myself in an alternate world. 

A world where all problems are solved by punching things, dragons exist and spaceships can fly. 

If you are struggling to pick the right one, you can use my random movie generator

How Much Money Is Required to Make Movies?

I love watching movies. It seems like it’s getting easier because of technology. I can watch live streaming of free premium channels, and there are lots of free movies on YouTube. A lot of people are now starting to make their movies, too. Incredibly, a short film can go viral and people can start their careers from nothing. 

But if you want to make a long movie, you need some. 

The movie industry is huge, and in 2017 alone some of the top-grossing movies were more than one hundred years old. 

With so many different types of movies being released every year, what is required to make a movie? Peculiar research shows that the average movie budget from top-grossing movies was over $90 million in 2017.

Money is important if you want to make a movie. You can’t make one if you don’t have the funding to do so. 

This is what makes most up and coming filmmakers balk at the notion of producing their movies. 

It seems like there are just financial roadblocks at every turn. 

There isn’t even a real chance of making a profit until you are successful. Because this is usually a long shot, most people don't think of movies as an investment, but it is when it comes to independent films.

Do movies make us smarter?

A recent study suggests that simply watching movies can boost a person’s intelligence. The researchers, led by cognitive psychologist Jessica Myrick, examined the correlation between “movie exposure” and intelligence in a sample of 2,500 people. 

What they found was that people who watched 3 1/2 hours of movies a week had significantly higher test scores than those who did not watch any movies at all.

From Plato to the modern-day, philosophers have often debased popular culture. In saying so it makes me a major des-cred-it-any of the pop-caps and such that is consumed by certain in such a way as to almost supplant the vitamins and minerals that I need to survive. 

Additionally, if my Descartian logic permits me to, I then claim that movies could not possibly make us dumber.

Last Words

I hope the random movie generator tool helps you in choosing the movie to watch next.

Actually, in this article, I was just thinking of introducing the tool I developed, but when it comes to cinema, I'm talking a little too much.

If you are wondering about other mini too I have developed, you can check it here.

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